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易经研究世家 风水师

中国房地产策划师联谊会 首席风水师
CETTIC国家职业培训 风水讲师
同济大学EDP中心 风水特聘教授
南京大学商学院EMBA 风水特聘教授
新浪乐居 地产风水专栏作家

K Mr.Xiaochuan Liu is a representative for China's young-generation experts in Yi-ology.For years,Mr.Liu roots in eminent real estate research institution,E-house China and has created the precedent for applying Yi-ology to design research in real estate design.As leader for geomantic omen studio in CRIC.





Mr.xiaochuan Liu isresponsible for geomantic omen studio in CRIC with graduation from Shanghai Fudan University.As a celebrated Yi-ology expert,Mr.Liu with morethan ten years' experience has directed enormous applied research for geomantic omen and project consultation in real estate.Familiar with comprehension and analysis of the city and architecture from the perspective of Yi-ology,he specializes in the application of geomantic omen in architecture production and the residence layout.



易学研究者 刘晓川


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